Power isn’t given. You already have it. The world has moved on, and you’re looking at it through the lens of the past, using any statistic that meets your objectives or supports your one- sided argument. You’re not helping anyone by singing this tune. You’re just making excuses for why some people can’t succeed, and it’s unfortunate, because with proper knowledge and determination, everyone can succeed.
“White people,” as a group, are being surpassed by Indian Americans. This isn’t about race, but who can play the system better. Life isn’t fair to a lot of people. Stop referring to “white people” as a single monolith. There are many who are struggling. They’re just not in the open complaining because they feel embarrassed about not “making it.”
When I read a piece like this, complaining that others are racists, it’s the people writing it that see the world in terms of race. Very unfortunate that they can’t see the blemishes on their own face, but will see it in others.
Let’s start by being clean and sober, which many of your black heroes haven’t been. Let’s start with listening to an order by police officers (yes, it is an order and not a negotiation) and not making it into some movement. This applies to everyone and is for the officer’s safety. Let’s start with taking personal responsibility for our lives and not blaming an entire group of people. They’re busy with their own lives.
If you want to help black people, talk about personal empowerment to advance themselves, not waste their time and energy blaming the next person. It’s possible. Millions of non-white immigrants have done it, but if all you see is victimhood, you’re only shooting yourself in the foot.